Crest V3 spinning disk confocal demo

Tomorrow (17 sept) we will enjoy a seminar and a live demo about the Crest V3 spinning disk confocal which is being set up at our facility as I write! 😀

Very cool confocal!

  • enormous field of view (32 mm diameter)
  • fully confocal
  • can image at 100 frames per sec
  • spits out Nyquist resolution with the 60x objective!

You can come to the seminar (at 10 in the Gene seminar room at the LCI facility) or listen to it remotely (see here how to follow the LCI webinars).

You can even book a private demo to image your own samples.

Super-Resolution spinning disk demo at the LCI!

Dear microscope freaks

How would you like to run some gentle live sample imaging with a 60x objective with:

  • an xy resolution of 120 nm without software tricks (or even better after deconvolution),
  • the great contrast of a true confocal,
  • 82 frames per second,
  • or decide to bypass everything, go widefield and image at 100 frames per second with a super large field of view (220×220 um)?

Sounds good to me! 🙂

For the next 2 weeks you can do that with the new toy on demo at the LCI facility!

The beast is a new sort of spinning disk confocal and is called SoRa (Super-Resolution Optical Reassignment). It is a collaboration between Nikon and Yokogawa.

We even have 2 cameras to compare (Prime95B and BSI from Photometrics).

Oliver Garner from Bergman Labora will give a short online presentation of how SoRa works on Monday (29th) at 13:00. The presentation is done remotely and broadcasted live. You can join the audience from the comfort of your office chair by following the instructions here (please try beforehand to make sure all works).

Interested in trying it? Please contact us.

A dream!!

Confocal endoscopy talk in Uppsala

Interesting seminars in Uppsala. Apparently this endoscope can go inside our bodies and has has tiny objective of only 300um!

They will also present at KI (if you are interested contact Gilles Cestelli gilles(at)maunakeatech(dot)com)

Try your sample on the Leica light sheet microscope!

We are delighted to host the Leica light sheet system, 25-26th January!

Have a look at the cool videos they have on their website! Check here for details on how to:

  • Come and listen to the Leica Lightsheet seminar January 25th 11:00-12:00, Red seminar room (how to find)
  • Book a private demo to image your own sample with the Leica specialist (January 25th and 26th).

Primo is a cool micropatterning device by Alveole

Primo is a cool micropatterning device that allows you to print your favourite protein on a Petri dish or a multi well plate with the pattern you want (down to 1 um resolution!). Print up to 3 proteins either in distinct or overlapping patterns, make gradients or even print on the walls of the wells. All you need is a jpeg image of your pattern! Then you can study how your favourite cells interact with the printed protein. See here how to book a time on the 18th of January to see it action!

BioPen is a microfluidics device by FluiCell

One can pipette out a controlled concentration of a reagent onto one or a few cells inside a dish, without affecting the other cells. All this is done on the microscope so you can record the cell reaction and get quantitative data.The adjacent cells can serve as internal controls or can be used for repeats of the experiment. The device also has many channels, allowing you rinse the cell after exposure then expose it to other reagents and even mix the reagents in the different channels as you want. Check here to get to the webinar or see how to try BioPen with your own sample!

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