Neubias school for image analysis 2020

Neubias is a European effort to get biologists to analyse their images by locking them in a room with some image analysis experts. If you get accepted to the Neubias school, you get to learn image analysis on your own data and you get expert help to build your pipeline!

The next Neubias school will be in the beautiful city of Bordeaux in February 2020. Apply soon not to be disappointed! 🙂

Super resolution microscopy course and seminars at Scilife

Hi there!

Hans Blom and the Advanced Light Microscopy facility at Scilife organise one of their great super resolution microscopy course and a bunch of great seminars in September.

More information about the course and the seminar program (26th of september) can be found here.

See you all there! 😀

Zeiss workshop at KI in August

BIC, the imaging facility at KI on the Solna campus, organises a Zeiss workshop at the end of August. Contact them if you want to participate. 🙂

Great help with image analysis: application deadline tomorrow!

Tomorrow 30th of May is the last day to apply to the Neubias (Network of Bioimage Analysts) image analysis school in Porto in October!

If you have any scary image analysis problem sitting under your bed at night, Neubias is for you 😉

Neubias is a great opportunity to get started/go deeper with image analysis and get your analysis pipeline written by experts.

Super-Resolution spinning disk demo at the LCI!

Dear microscope freaks

How would you like to run some gentle live sample imaging with a 60x objective with:

  • an xy resolution of 120 nm without software tricks (or even better after deconvolution),
  • the great contrast of a true confocal,
  • 82 frames per second,
  • or decide to bypass everything, go widefield and image at 100 frames per second with a super large field of view (220×220 um)?

Sounds good to me! 🙂

For the next 2 weeks you can do that with the new toy on demo at the LCI facility!

The beast is a new sort of spinning disk confocal and is called SoRa (Super-Resolution Optical Reassignment). It is a collaboration between Nikon and Yokogawa.

We even have 2 cameras to compare (Prime95B and BSI from Photometrics).

Oliver Garner from Bergman Labora will give a short online presentation of how SoRa works on Monday (29th) at 13:00. The presentation is done remotely and broadcasted live. You can join the audience from the comfort of your office chair by following the instructions here (please try beforehand to make sure all works).

Interested in trying it? Please contact us.

A dream!!

Imaris workshop at the LCI: rescheduled to the 22nd of May :)

Imaris is a great image analysis software that is available to all the members of the Live Cell Imaging facility.

It is as easy to analyse 2D and 3D image files with Imaris. The software also allows you to make great multidimensional plots to present your data.

One can count objects inside objects (example number of vesicles per cell), measure shortest distances from one type of object to another (example distance from vesicles to the cell membrane), track cells even when they divide, trace neurons or blood vessels… all this in 3D, time, several colours.

On the 22nd of May, the LCI will host an Imaris workshop.

The morning seminar (held in Neo/DNA room) from 10-12 will be broadcasted for those who cannot join. Please follow the instructions on our website to follow the webinar.

In the afternoon, we will analyse the data of our users. Submit your images to DONTCHEVA Guergana (g.dontcheva(at)

Call4Help: The image analysis help you have always dreamt of, totally for free!!! ???

After the success of the previous Call4Help session in February, BII (BioImage Informatics, the great image analysis at SciLife Uppsala) and your favorite microscopy facility (we hope) will run a new Call4Help next Tuesday 2nd of April.

Anyone who is stuck with image analysis and wishes for quick help can apply.

These are 100% online sessions (we ‘meet’ in a Zoom chat room) where you submit your images and a little explanation text in advance and you get suggestions for 30 min and an analysis pipeline all done for you (Fiji, CellProfiler, Ilastik, QuPath, KNIME)!

If you are interested, please apply as soon as possible (sorry for the late announcement).

Here is how to apply:

Rare: 2 permanent microscopy jobs in Stockholm!

Hi there

I don’t get to post this type of announcements on a daily basis! 2 microscopists are required at the Cell Profiling facility at SciLife!

See here for details.

LCI product seminar: How to label organelles in live cells?

On Wednesday (13th) at 9:30 in Lipid seminar room in Neo (KI Flemingsberg), please come and enjoy a short seminar presenting a new way to label organelles in live cells.

LabLife will present their product called Viromer Cytostain.

We will stream the seminar live so you can follow it even from your desk! 🙂

Lots of Image analysis courses in Uppsala! :)

Biovis is the image facility at Uppsala University, just a stone-throw away from us. Every year, they run several Image analysis courses, from short introductions to full blown courses.

Have a look here!

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