The LCI microscopy course 2021 starts next week! :)

As usual the lectures at the LCI microscopy course will broadcasted live online, free of charge and there is no need to register.

Title: Microscopy: improve your imaging skills – from sample preparation to image analysis

The aim for this course is to improve the microscopy skills of students and researchers who have already used a microscope to acquire digital images of fluorescent samples but feel that more knowledge could help them.

Applications are closed but all lectures will be broadcasted live and open to anyone without registration.

The course covers the following topics:

  • Optics, image formation, fluorescence, fluorophores, microscope and microscopy types
  • Objectives and refraction index, Cameras and detectors
  • Noise and background, Cameras and detectors, Bit depth and saturation, Multicolour imaging
  • Resolution and contrast, Sample preparation, Immunostaining
  • Nyquist sampling, Confocal and wide field settings, Scaling up and speeding up, High throughput/content
  • Volume imaging, deconvolution, multiphoton, Clearing and expansion
  • Live cell imaging, Fourier, AI, Super Resolution microscopy
  • Data handling, OMERO.figure, Requirements for image analysis, Colocalization
  • Image processing and analysis

Check the course schedule and details of how to join the Zoom webinars. Scroll down to read the kind testimonies of our dear students! 😊

Here is the course syllabus.

Hope you enjoy the LCI facility microscopy course 2021!

From Images to Knowledge virtual workshop

Nov 30th-Dec 2nd, Janelia Research Center organizes a great image analysis workshop with loads of goodies. Everything is online and free. There are in depth and more general workshops about Deep Learning with different freeware, programming and scripting of all sorts, Big data things… Check the program here.

CLIJ2: Open Computing Language and ImageJ2, GPU power for everyone

CLIJ2 allows you to use ImageJ/Fiji on GPU instead if CPU processing, so much faster! 🙂

Here is a nice article about what CLIJ2 can do. By the way, this article is published on a new imaging forum called FocalPlane. Check it out! And here is the presentation of how to use CLIJ2 at one of the recent Neubias event in May 2020.

If you have an analysis pipeline built in Fiji, Icy or Matlab and processing takes a long time, CLIJ2 will help you a lot.

Broadcasted lectures from the LCI microscopy course and private demos of light sheet and cameras

Our course starts tomorrow! 😀

Target audience:

The aim for this course is to improve the microscopy skills of students and researchers who have already used a microscope to acquire digital images of fluorescent samples and want to improve their skills.

Registrations are closed but all lectures are open to everyone without registration.

  • The schedule and details of the venue are here.
  • All lectures are also available online live. The link and instructions to watch are here.
  • Make sure you check the schedule in case of last minutes changes.

If you are in Sweden, you are welcome to try some of the equipment on demo with your own sample.

To book at timeslot, please contact the responsible person directly.

  • Light sheet microscope from M2Lasers: Valentina Loschiavo Valentina.Loschiavo(at)
    • Fast imaging of large sample
    • Overview function to navigate in the sample and find the region of interest
    • 800x800um field of view with 1um min resolution
    • Any immersion media
    • Sample size up to centimetres
  • Wide Field microscope from Nikon with 3 different Andor cameras: Oliver Garner (oliver.garner(at)
    • Nikon Ti2 microscope with 4 times larger field of view
    • A front illuminated sCMOS camera: Good sensitivity and resolution, great speed, but a greyish background (Andor Zyla 4.2)
    • A back-illuminated EM-CCD camera: highly sensitive camera with very dark background, but lower resolution and lower speed (Andor 897U)
    • A back-illuminated sCMOS camera: same sensitivity and low background as an EM-CCD but better resolution and speed (Andor Sona)

New image analysis training school with Neubias

NEUBIAS, the Network of European BioImage Analysts, is delighted to announce two new Training Schools on BioImage Analysis:

TS14 for Early Career Investigators (Life Scientists: PhD candidates, Postdocs, Staff, …):

This training school will cover the basics of image analysis using ImageJ/Fiji, as well as image analysis workflow automation using ImageJ macro programming. In addition, it will be taught how to use the software package ilastik for machine learning based image segmentation and object classification, and how to integrate ilastik into ImageJ macro based workflows. Moreover, an overview of further relevant bioimage analysis software packages will be given and there will be ample time for “Work on Your Own Data” sessions assisted by experienced Analysts.

TS15 for BioImage Analysts (advanced level):

This school targets bioimage analysts, who are willing to enhance their professional scope and techniques for improving the quality of their analysis, at the same time as willing to contribute with their knowledge and experience to the school. Prerequisite is a proficiency in at least one programming language (we do not train coding). The school focuses on workflow designing. This year, we will have a particular emphasis on statistics for bioimage analysis and related tools e.g. R and Python libraries. In addition, we will overview machine & deep learning components.

The schools will be held in Bordeaux, Feb 29 – Mar 03 2019, hosted at the Centre Broca Nouvelle-Aquitaine by the Bordeaux Imaging Center (BIC) and the Interdisciplinary Institute for Neuroscience. The selected students will be able to attend the whole NEUBIAS conference as part of the training.

NEUBIAS schools are an excellent opportunity to learn from many experts in Bioimage Analysis (we are expecting >20 specialists at the event) and “…a great mix of intensive learning and community networking” (former trainee testimonial). All schools include practical sessions “Work on Your Own Data”, plenary seminars and a session on ethics in image analysis.

Applications are now open (TS14 = 25 seats, TS15 = 35 seats and ~10+ trainers per school). Within the COST framework (funders of NEUBIAS), we will offer up to 7 travel grants per school to applicants who qualify.

Application deadline: December 12th 2019 Selection notification: December 20th 2019

More information about schools (programme & trainers) and venue, travel & lodge available at our website:

We kindly ask that you help us reach out to all potential interested applicants.

on behalf of all NEUBIAS members, local organizers (Florian Levet and Fabrice Cordelières), scientific organizers (Romain Guiet, Elnaz Fazeli, Christian Tischer, Kota Miura, Marion Louveaux), and NEUBIAS Training Leaders Gabriel Martins and Fabrice Cordelières.

Apply now to the LCI microscopy course 2020 :)

It is now time to register to the LCI intensive microscopy course (Jan/Feb 2020). Check out the course schedule.

Loads of fun workshops, informative lectures, intense discussions and our popular Student Imaging Challenge workshop where students get direct feedback on how to improve their own sample preparation/experimental design.

We always run two courses in parallel:

  • the full course (#2870, 6 points, apply here) where students attend all activities
  • the theory only course (#2871, 4.5 points, apply here) for students who only attend the lectures

As usual, all lectures are public and broadcasted live so you are welcome to just show up (how to find us) or watch remotely (how to connect) without registration.  Check the program as it may be updated in case of (unlikely) last minute changes.

We welcome your feedback about the quality of the webinar and the content of the lectures.

Imaging Africa workshop

Great initiative from the other side of the pond. Please forward to your imaging friends/colleagues working in African universities:


We are pleased to announce Imaging Africa—a workshop initiative aimed at developing the microscopy knowledge and expertise of African life scientists.

Imaging Africa is an intensive, 4-day workshop + 1-day symposium focused on exposing students to a plethora of microscope technologies and impactful applications. Topics range from portable, cellphone-based microscopes to advanced super-resolution modalities. Furthermore, students will be introduced to experimental applications such as biosensors and optogenetic tools. These theoretical and practical classes will run in parallel with an in-depth quantitative image analysis course, which will provide the students with the skills necessary to reveal meaningful information from microscopy data.

With the generous support from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, the Howard Hughes Medical Institute Janelia Research Campus and UNC-Chapel Hill, the Imaging Africa workshop is free of financial burden to all attending students. The expenses associated with air travel, accommodation, and food will be covered by Imaging Africa. Eligible applicants must currently be at an academic institution in the continent of Africa.

The workshop will be hosted at the University of Cape Town’s Institute of Infectious Disease and Molecular Medicine, South Africa from the 13th to the 16th of January 2020 and will be followed by a research symposium on the 17th of January 2020. Please visit for more information. Applications for the workshop close on the 15th of October 2019.

Please help us in making a meaningful impact on African researchers by forwarding this information to your friends and colleagues from any and all African institutions.


Teng-Leong Chew, HHMI Janelia Research Campus, USA Dan Fletcher, Univ of California-Berkeley, USA Klaus Hahn, Univ of N. Carolina-Chapel Hill, USA Musa Mhlanga, Univ of Cape Town, S. Africa Kelly Rogers, Walter & Eliza Hall Institute, Australia Digby Warner, Univ of Cape Town, S. Africa

Neubias school for image analysis 2020

Neubias is a European effort to get biologists to analyse their images by locking them in a room with some image analysis experts. If you get accepted to the Neubias school, you get to learn image analysis on your own data and you get expert help to build your pipeline!

The next Neubias school will be in the beautiful city of Bordeaux in February 2020. Apply soon not to be disappointed! 🙂

Great help with image analysis: application deadline tomorrow!

Tomorrow 30th of May is the last day to apply to the Neubias (Network of Bioimage Analysts) image analysis school in Porto in October!

If you have any scary image analysis problem sitting under your bed at night, Neubias is for you 😉

Neubias is a great opportunity to get started/go deeper with image analysis and get your analysis pipeline written by experts.

Super-Resolution spinning disk demo at the LCI!

Dear microscope freaks

How would you like to run some gentle live sample imaging with a 60x objective with:

  • an xy resolution of 120 nm without software tricks (or even better after deconvolution),
  • the great contrast of a true confocal,
  • 82 frames per second,
  • or decide to bypass everything, go widefield and image at 100 frames per second with a super large field of view (220×220 um)?

Sounds good to me! 🙂

For the next 2 weeks you can do that with the new toy on demo at the LCI facility!

The beast is a new sort of spinning disk confocal and is called SoRa (Super-Resolution Optical Reassignment). It is a collaboration between Nikon and Yokogawa.

We even have 2 cameras to compare (Prime95B and BSI from Photometrics).

Oliver Garner from Bergman Labora will give a short online presentation of how SoRa works on Monday (29th) at 13:00. The presentation is done remotely and broadcasted live. You can join the audience from the comfort of your office chair by following the instructions here (please try beforehand to make sure all works).

Interested in trying it? Please contact us.

A dream!!

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