Imaris User Group Meeting in Basel

Would you like to boost your knowledge about Imaris, learn loads of tipes and get expert help with your pipeline? Join the Imaris User Group Meeting in Basel at the end of June!


Xiaowei Zhuang’s visit!

Great news! Xiaowei Zhuang from Harvard University will visit us on the 31st of May!

On top of the STORM super resolution technique, her lab recently came up the MERFISH technique -a multiplexing-based in situ RNA sequencing-, as well as a FRET-based method to study Protein-DNA transient interactions during replication, transcription…

Check here her projects and mind-blowing ‘selected’ publication list.

Come and listen to her talk on Wednesday, May 31 at 10.00-11.00. Main lecture Hall 4th Floor, Novum, Flemingsberg

”Illuminating biology at the nanoscale and systems scale using single-molecule and super-resolution imaging”.

Hope to see you there! 🙂

iBiology Microscopy course

This course about light microscopy is made of videos only! It is very complete, very interesting and very well done!

Point Spread Function? Fourier transform? Image formation? Resolution? Everything about light microscopy you wish you had learned earlier! 🙂

Great microscopy app!

Do your bit as a microscopy geek and download a great app called Resolution!

You can enter your objective of choice (magnification and NA) and get for the wavelength of your choice loads of useful information like the resolution in xy and z the optional sampling step…
But if you REALLY want to enter thegeek club, you must also get the Fourier Filter app! Hours of geeking fun ahead of you! 😉

The LCI newsletter goes socially medial! :)

On top of its shiny new blog, the LCI facility now has an LCI Facility Facebook account with a Microscopy@KI group.

Microscopy@KI is a public group so anyone with a Fb account can participate. Please use it as a light microscopy forum and post any light microscopy related question/answer, suggestion, announcement…  The idea is for us all microscopy fans to share with each other loads of cool microscopy tips! B-)

And don’t forget to tell us at the LCI about the light microscope events you organize, cool new products for sample preparation you tried… so we can put them up on our blog and on Facebook!

LCI microscopy course 2017 is here!

The Live Cell Imaging facility will soon run its intensive microscopy course 17th Jan-9th Feb. Loads of fun workshops, informative lectures, intense discussions and our popular Student Imaging Challenge workshop where students get direct feedback on how to improve their own sample preparation/experimental design.

The full course (#2870) is full but the theory only course (#2871, 4.5 points) has unlimited space so you can still apply (mail me) until the 13th.

As usual, all lectures are public so you are welcome to just show up without registration. The full program is on our our course webpage and instructions on how to find the Green seminar room can be found here. The program will be kept updated in case of (unlikely) last minute changes.

Additionally this year, we will do our best to broadcast all the lectures so that you do not need to physically come to Flemingsberg to listen to your favourite topic. Instead, just follow check the schedule on our course webpage, find out which lecture you want to follow and follow the LCI webinar link. We welcome your feedback about the quality of the webinar and the content of the lectures.


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