Invitation to submit nominations for the Lennart Nilsson Award 2025

Karolinska Institutet hereby invites nominations for the Lennart Nilsson Award 2025.

The Lennart Nilsson foundation was established in 1998 in order to bestow an award in recognition of the world-renowned Swedish photographer Lennart Nilsson and his extraordinary body of work. Its main aim is to promote education, training and research within the medical, biological and engineering sciences through the use of images.

This is achieved through the Lennart Nilsson Award, an international award bestowed annually upon an individual in recognition of outstanding contributions within the realm of scientific photography.

The nominees should fulfil the following criteria:

  • Work in the spirit of Lennart Nilsson
  • Make the invisible visible
  • Drive the development of imaging
  • Reveal sciences to the world in beautiful, unique and powerful ways
  • Visualize a scientific breakthrough
  • Image reality in a surprising way

Candidates should be active mainly in the Life Sciences and use pictorial representation as an explanatory medium. Users of animation technology are also eligible. The independence of the nominee should be clearly described in the nomination letter.

The nomination form should be filled out and sent in together with a motivation letter, articles, technical descriptions, and pictorial material. Up to three letters with references and comments from experts may be included. Please attach the material as one PDF-file if possible and send to no later than Wednesday April 16, 2025.

The awarded amount is SEK 120 000 and the prize ceremony will take place in connection with the installation ceremony for new professors at Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.

More information about the Award can be found on

For further questions please contact


Eurobioimaging is organizing a microscopy image competition and there is a GoPro camera to grab! 🙂 Apply here!

Six images acquired at the LCI at the Sven-Harrys museum!

The golden Sven-Harrys museum at the heart of Stockholm is currently exhibiting beautiful microscopy images. We proudly counted 6 of them that were acquired with the LCI microscopes! Go and have a look! 🙂

Enter the Nikon Small World!

Last call! Deadline 30th April!

Send your entries to the Nikon Small World image competition! Really nice prizes to be won including a trip to the Nikon headquarters in Japan! Many of the images produced daily at our facility are at the level of what is in their gallery so grab the chance! 🙂

Multiphoton beauty!

Here is our winner for the very first LCI Image of the week! Karl Annusver’s mouse skin sections labelled with Tomato (red) and AF488 (green). The other channels are label free imaging of fibers like collagen that either autofluoresce at the wavelengths used (690 and 780 nm) or give very nice Second Harmonic Generation. This allows us to visualize the unlabelled tissue surrounding the labelled cells.

Thanks Karl! 🙂

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