DAPI is so passé!! ;)

If you are tired of DAPI bleeding through your weak green channel but are stuck to using blue for the nucleus, you might want to give a try to Syto41.

Must better excitation efficiency at 405 nm and much narrower emission spectrum!

And Syto also comes in other colors. 🙂

The LCI facility has moved to Neo! :)

That’s it! We have done it! We have moved to Neo! 😀

The trip to Neo (just next door to Novum) started at the end of 2015! 2 years and lots of planning meetings later, all the companies involved (mostly Bergman Labora and Zeiss but also Alveole, La Vision Biotech, MMI and Andor) started dismantling, moving and reassembling our 7 microscopes on the 4th of December. Now, one and a half month later, everything is nearly done! Exciting! 🙂

Adaptive Optics

The next big thing in microscopy comes straight from the sky! Apparently astronomers have been using adaptive optics for years to improve their images and it is only getting into our microscopes now!!

Adaptive optics takes the nightmarish situation seen in b and puts it back straight as in a! This is done by measuring the wave front and deforming a mirror to reshape the wave front to perfection!

Sounds like a dream but I have actually seen it in action at the 2016 AQLM course and there was a definite WOW effect! 🙂

Check this review to learn more

Expansion microscopy

Just imaging being able to image very tiny details in your sample on your favorite microscope without using super resolution!!

Expansion microscopy is definitely worth trying if your sample is fixed and what you want to measure is smaller than the detection limit of the microscope (around 250 nm)! There are people at Scilife who have implemented it and he is happy to collaborate! Just ask us! 🙂

This is just one example among many where expansion microscopy did wonders!

Scilife super res course

Super resolution course early February at Scilife with great presentations accessible to everyone! I will go to the DNA-paint talk! 🙂

Check it out here.


Eurobioimaging is organizing a microscopy image competition and there is a GoPro camera to grab! 🙂 Apply here!


Talking about Art and Science, here is a tip about how to enjoy every minute (at least I did) of Phallaina by Marietta Ren, a new art form called Bande Défilée in French, which might translate to Streaming Strip? Strolling Graphic Novel? If you ask me, bande défilée sounds best but I am biased! 🙂

The first graphic novel/comic strip entirely made for tactile screens like your mobile phone.

Here is the trailer. One will need to download a big app but it can be deleted afterwards. French or English texts.

It is totally worth it, especially for those who enjoy science/art/diving.

Not exactly a microscopy post but… they do use medical imaging! :-/

Six images acquired at the LCI at the Sven-Harrys museum!

The golden Sven-Harrys museum at the heart of Stockholm is currently exhibiting beautiful microscopy images. We proudly counted 6 of them that were acquired with the LCI microscopes! Go and have a look! 🙂

Alyona’s videos

Alyona Minina from the Confocal microscopy facility at SLU came up with really nice videos about Zen and how to use Zeiss confocals

Have a look!

Magic clarity :)

Remember that with passive clarity, you can make most tissues transparent in order to image them.

The challenge may be to get the antibody to penetrate fully if your tissue is very thick but clarity removes lipid so it also helps with antibody penetration. If your protein expresses a fluorescent protein, you skip this problem and clarity preserves fluorescence.

You can then mount your tissue and image it on our microscopes! 🙂 It’s magic!! 🙂

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